Saturday, June 7, 2008

Last day in Chinque Terra

Today is our last day in Cinque Terra. We took a train to the furthest town and did the walk of LOVE….it was a really nice easy walk and had wonderful views. Then we caught the local train back to our town and just hung out here all day. The pictures say it all…just the wine and the sea, and the private deck to ourselves. Everytime we have gone to the deck previously, it has been packed with people. Today we sat there for at least an hour all alone. It is Friday and for some reason it is so quiet today…you would think just the opposite…but it feels almost deserted…it is really nice. Tomorrow we get up at 5 am to catch the local train at 6:15. First we will have to lug our now HEAVY suitcases (Lemonchello on board) down the 3 flights of winding staircases, then 100 cobblestone and very steep steps to the street…then uphill to the train station. After the train takes us to the next town, we need to buy tickets for Milan(3 hours)….and then make a subway transfer to the hotel….and make it in time to see The Last Supper…if I hadn’t already bought the tickets we would skip it. Jim is not too happy about the 5 am alarm to wake us up. We had planned to see some sights in Milan but have decided we do not want to see another church, museum, statue or ancient ANYThing for awhile.
Our Trip has been perfect in every way…no problems so far…please everyone knock on wood as you read this.
Some of the things I will miss…the sound of the sea and church bells outside our window, 4 oz of cappacchino (Im too embarrassed to order 4 more to equal my usual morning drink), walnut sauce pasta, the Italian kids playing in the streets, orange and red and tan buildings, really fast trains, and lots of really good wine.
Some of the things I won’t miss….slow moving tourists, trying to figure out EVERYTIME how to operate the toilet,or bathroom sink or shower(they are all different), reading a train schedule, anchovies, and hiking uphill.
Some of the things I’m looking forward to….getting in my car and going anywhere I want, a 20oz latte, my easy walk with Terry, MEXICAN FOOD, seeing all of you… friends and family.
Ciao….Grazie …and Arrivederci!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe we will blog from the London airport, as we have 6 hours to kill there.


Unknown said...

You're leaving me hanging on a cliff here. It's a beautiful Italian cliff, mind you, but a cliff nonetheless. How did the trip end? How were your travels back to Bellingham? What is remarkable about being back in America?

Laurie said...

YOU are soooooooooo I did it just for you...